Chateauroux- ( CHR - LFLX ) Website :
Located in the heart of France and near the small town of Chateauroux, this airport is not served by any low-cost airline, and no national ones. However, the traffic consists of cargo flights and aircraft maintenance in coming to a company deployed near the tarmac. The complex consists of a control tower, offices and a room that may serve as a very small terminal. Cargo sheds are willing to west of a runway oriented 22-04. Chateauroux airport is also a training base for the major part of French companies, including Air France, with large aircraft like B747, B777 or A380! Finally, old aircraft are parked awaiting reinforcement from another plant destruction and recycling at the east of the complex, adjacent to the National Center for Fire Academy airports.
All the pictures were token by Cedric Valence
EI-DMM - B737-300 KD Avia | EC-HQH - A340-300 Iberia | EC-JFR - B747-200 C2FPA (Formation Pompiers d'Aéroport) |